Education Business Development- 

The Education and training business all over the world follows a very similar development pattern. The demand for better quality education and training is now higher than ever. This is a fact that applies internationally irrespective of how advanced the countries are. To capture this potential companies and individuals have to identify the key demands in their markets and be quick off the mark to develop these products and bring them to market. Our Business Development team is your key partner to assist you to turn these opportunities into reality in a realistic time frame with a well-trained team and effective international partners. Our services include;

  • Market Analysis, Planning, Portfolio Management, Revenue Streams, Cost Structuring, Value Proposition and Key Activities.
  • Definition and rationalisation of the product and service portfolio, value creation propositions and turnkey solutions.
  • Developing costing and pricing strategies and services.
  • Providing strategic direction to the business development and implementation.

International Market Development

Our Market Development team as part of Education Business Development services is always ready to advise our clients on their market development strategy, but our real expertise is in the international marketing strategy and implementation. Our team focuses on two main areas, first is the creation of strategic institutional international partnerships for our clients and second to develop the opportunities to recruit international students.

  •  We develop academic partnerships with reputable institutions around the world to increase international learning opportunities for students.
  •  We provide information to prospective international students through recruitment fairs and agency partnerships.


Developing new partnerships and collaborations around the world is a fundamental policy of Education Business Development team at Cavendish International. Our current network has the capacity and the flexibility to approach these challenges. Our experience spans over thirty years of teaching students from all over the world, setting up colleges and universities all over the world and developing and validating courses for our partners internationally.