eLearning Localisation is used to describe the process by which you translate your eLearning course’s content into the language of your new target audience. But is it really just that?

Well, you wish it was that simple! If you want to localise your eLearning courses and offer a true valuable eLearning experience to your audience, then you have to take into serious consideration the different cultural “norms” and to devote time and resources.

Benefits of eLearning Localisation:

  1. Reach a broader eLearning audience.
  2. Position your brand as a global eLearning company.
  3. Offers consistent and reliable results for your client.
  4. Boosts knowledge acquisition and retention rates.

 eLearning Localisation Tips:

  • Research the cultural background of your target audience before creating content.
    There are probably going to be some cultural differences between learners in different regions. Creating a survey, asking the advice of a subject matter/cultural expert, or even visiting the location itself can help you to get a better idea of the cultural norms in order to create effective and appropriate eLearning courses.
  • Pay attention to cultural relevancy of images, graphics and colors.
    Culturally appropriate text is all important. However, you should also pay close attention to the colorsimages and graphics you are using. eLearning localisation requires that you take a step further, by selecting graphics that are realistic and relevant for the given locale.
  • Make sure that scenarios and real world examples are still relatable and relevant.
    Go over the real world scenarios, simulations, stories, and examples you’ve included in your current eLearning course content and ensure that they are still relatable and relevant.

This post was first published on eLearning Industry. for the full article visit the eLearning Localization Benefits and Tips