People don’t under-perform because of their lack of technical skills, they under-perform because of their lack of soft skills.

Skill Audit

Free guide on skill audit and self assessment.

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Skill Audit

Do you consider the following soft skills? 

  • Getting high quality work done on time
  • Good team work and working towards deadlines
  • Good communication skill.
  • Persuading others to consider different points of view
  • Appreciating the others perspective
  • Ability to coaching and being coached
  • Taking direction from my managers in a complex environment
  • Being able to work for a variety of people each with a unique style
  • Being flexible
  • Handling rapidly changing environment
  • Making tough technical and non-technical decisions with limited information
  • Dealing with ambiguity
  • Challenging conventional wisdom and authority
  • Helping team members who are struggling
  • Taking over responsibility without being asked
  • Managing multiple projects simultaneously
  • Meeting budget restraints
  • Being able to prioritize with little direction

The answer is yes.


“that’s exactly what the employers are looking for! And that’s what you need “


Soft skills are personal attributes that enhance an individual’s interactions, job performance and career prospects. Unlike hard skills, which are about a person’s skill set and ability to perform a certain type of task or activity, soft skills are interpersonal and broadly applicable.

Soft skills are often described by using terms often associated with personality traits, such as:

  • optimism
  • common sense
  • responsibility
  • a sense of humor
  • integrity

and abilities that can be practiced (but require the individual to genuinely like other people) such as:

  • empathy
  • teamwork
  • leadership
  • communication
  • good manners
  • negotiation
  • sociability
  • the ability to teach.

It’s often said that hard skills will get you an interview but you need soft skills to get and keep the job.


To Read More about soft skills click here