What is “mobile learning” course? Cavendish definition of mobile learning is the use of mobile phones and tablets to make learning material accessible and effective at a time and place convenient for the individual.

Step one: We need your course outline.

You’ll need to develop a detailed outline that covers every aspect of your mobile training course from start to finish. Next create a storyboard that highlights every page of your mobile training course, where each multimedia element and image fits in, and which key pieces of content will be included in each lesson. Your course outline should also mention your primary learning objectives, performance goals.

If you are creating a mobile training course that is based upon an existing eLearning course, bear in mind that not all content will fit into your new mobile learning course. While you can repurpose your eLearning content for mobile learning and use some of the elements that you already have on-hand, such as graphics or text.

Step two: What template or app. to use?

Many eLearning authoring tools give you the ability to use their pre-made templates, which can significantly reduce the development time for your mobile training course. Also, some of them have customizable template features, which allow you to design a template that you can use, time and again, giving you the opportunity to simply change the content without having to change the layout or design of the entire mobile learning course. Or we can develop an app. tailor made to your specific needs.

Step three: Make learning “bite sized”.

Bite sized learning is a nice approach, even in traditional eLearning courses. However, it is an absolute necessity when designing mobile training courses. This is due to the fact that your learners will typically only have a few minutes to acquire the information within your mobile training course. As such, we’ll need to keep the text short and sweet, the images relevant, and break everything down into bullet points.

Step four: Test the mobile course!

The final course will go through both technical and performance test to ensure it both deliver the courses and achieve the intended results. We test all our mobile training courses periodically during the design and development process, by viewing it on several different devices and platforms. Doing so, it will help us realise any dysfunction as early as possible and can save ourselves a significant amount of time.


  • Create brief videos: Learners are on-the-go, and what do not want to do, is sit through a half hour of lecture. You should create 2-to-4-minute videos that they can access on their smartphones or tablets anywhere, anytime.
  • Use visually striking design: Learners are pressed for time when they are accessing your mobile training course. So, use design that is attention-grabbing such as bold colours and emotionally centred imagery, instead of rich multimedia elements that learners may not be able to access it fast.
  • Encourage active discussion: One of the most amazing things about a mobile learning experience is that learners can collaborate with their peers and receive support from their instructors whenever and wherever.
  • Boost group collaboration: There are a variety of apps that are ideal for online collaboration, such as Google Apps, that give learners the chance to work together remotely. Assign them a group task, and then ask them to complete the entire project using only their mobile devices.
  • Develop exercises centred around online research: As any eLearning professional will attest, online research can make the learning experience more meaningful and effective.
  • Send out announcements and reminders via their mobile devices: Learners can receive reminders, course updates, and even links to additional resources via push notifications on their mobile devices, which can help to enhance the effectiveness of their mobile learning experience.
  • Get feedback by creating mobile surveys and polls: By adding a feedback apps to the course, you gain the opportunity to get invaluable feedback from your learners so that you can improve your mobile learning course design and/or gauge their level of satisfaction related to learning activities, multimedia elements, etc.

So, we hope this will get you started on your project, and do not hesitate to contact us if you need support with your course design or validation before staring your production to make sure all the content follows the validations requirement. And if you need help with your digital production! Our partner digitPro can assist you with that, they have many years experiences developing learning materials.